lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

Reading 1- Guide- 2nd Bimester

SECUNDARIA        2012-2013

TEACHER: _____________________________ DATE:__________________
NAME:_________________________________ GRADE:________________

READING guide - Level 1 Unit 5

Does the death penalty work?

The death penalty is the most severe punishment a criminal can receive. However, does it really work? Does having the death penalty help in the fight against serious crime?

Supporters of the death penalty say that the fear of death stops criminals from committing serious crimes. They argue that the death penalty is worse than spending life in jail, so it must be more effective. Moreover, a dead criminal cannot commit crime again. Yes, mistakes were made in the past. However, thanks to the latest scientific techniques, they claim mistakes cannot be made these days. Public opinion in many countries agrees with these points.

However, opponents of the death penalty say it has no effect in preventing serious crimes. They point to the U.S. Some states have the death penalty, and others do not. However, the proportion of murders in between states is very similar. In fact, states that use the death penalty often have a higher rate of violent crime. What's more, after an execution there is no evidence that the number of serious crimes goes down.

It seems that there is no evidence to suggest that the death penalty is more successful than long-term imprisonment in preventing serious crime. There appears to be no difference in the levels of serious crime between countries with and without the death penalty.

However, research into the situation in Singapore has revealed some interesting results. In most countries that use the death penalty, the sentence is rarely carried out. Only in a tiny number of cases is the criminal actually executed. In Singapore, however, criminals who are given the death penalty are always put to death. People know that they will be killed if they commit a serious crime. Could this be the reason why serious crimes rates are so low in Singapore?

I.    Decide if the following statement is true or false. Find evidence in the text to support your answer.

1.    Worldwide, very few criminals who receive the death penalty are actually executed.     True False
2.    Violent crime usually decreases after a criminal is put to death.   True False
3.    Some states in the U.S. don't use the death penalty.   True False
4.    In many countries, people support the death penalty   True False
5.    Most countries that have the death penalty have lower rates of serious crime.   True False

II.    Underline the correct answer from the choices.

6.    Research shows that the death penalty     is always effective /    is often effective / can be effective.
7.    Supporters of the death penalty say that mistakes     were rarely made in the past /     aren't possible nowadays /     are sometimes made.
8.    There are very few serious crimes     in countries with the death penalty /    in Singapore /      in states in the U.S. without the death penalty.
9.    In Singapore, criminals who are given the death penalty     are never executed /     are sometimes executed /     are always executed.
10. Supporters of the death penalty say that life imprisonment    is sometimes worse /     is more severe /    isn't as effective.

III.    Use a key phrase from the text to complete the sentence.

11. In states in the U.S. that use the death penalty, violent crime is often__________________.
12. One country that has a very low rate of serious crime is________________.
13. Some people say that mistakes cannot be made because of recent__________________.
14. Opponents of the death penalty say it can't be effective because there is no  __________________.

IV.    Look for the word in the text that means:

15. In Paragraph 2
to do something that is illegal?

16. In Paragraph 1
very strict or extreme?

17. In Paragraph 3
the quantity or number of something?

V.    Underline the word which is a synonym for

18. evidence (paragraph 4).
theory / hope / truth / support / sign / proof
19. fight (paragraph 1).
competition / struggle / argument / debate / game / challenge
20. techniques (paragraph 2).
rules / customs / structures / methods / reasons / traditions

1 comentario:

  1. Hello guys!
    This is the guide your need to print for class.
    Have a nice day!
